Inner Peace Healing For Life


"I AM that I AM" (GOD and GODDESS as Love in action)


**TAKE TIME OUT for yourself each day to sit and be still, to focus on your breath and release yourself from the busy-ness of the day.
(~See basic relaxation technique on meditation page~)**

This helps keep your body hydrated and healthy and all of your energies flowing harmoniously. Also helps to increase energy levels and promotes stamina throughout the day.**

Create a 'Gratitude Diary' allowing you to focus on the positive aspects of your day and your life.
At the end of each day write at least 3 things for which you are truly grateful. eg: family, friends, abundance, a job well done, having positive loving thoughts, great health...
It is possible to be grateful for not only the good in our lives, but also for that which we judge to be 'not-so-good' - our learning experiences...every cloud has a silver lining!

Use your intention to complete each day. Release it with love and (forgiveness if required). Focus on the positive aspects on all levels - body, mind and Spirit. This helps you to have a more peaceful sleep and a positive start to each new day and each new beginning.**

If you don't know much about an alkaline diet, it is highly recommended for giving you a dramatic increase in energy levels along with restoring radiantly good health. The site explains how a high alkaline foods diet works and why eating alkaline foods is recommended. If you haven't tried this yet, I highly recommend you do now. You can download everything here: Have a great day. Elizabeth Brewer PS. The recipes are delicious